Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

In a world full of conspiracies, it can be hard to know what to believe and what not to believe. After all, if the government is hiding something from us, how would we ever know? Interestingly enough, there are some conspiracy theories out there that have actually been proven to be true. From the CIA’s involvement in mind control experiments to the existence of secret societies, here are seven bizarre conspiracy theories that you’ve been believing and are actually true.

1. The government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition and killed thousands

In the 1920s, the government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition and killed thousands of people in an attempt to discourage drinking. The chemicals used included formaldehyde, cyanide, and lead. Many of the victims were sickened or died after drinking tainted alcohol.

The government’s actions led to a public outcry, and Prohibition was eventually repealed. However, the damage had been done. Thousands of people had been killed, and many more were left with permanent health problems from the toxic chemicals.

Today, there are still people who believe that the government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition. While there is no concrete evidence to support this claim, it is certainly possible that the government did add poisons to alcohol in an attempt to discourage consumption.

2. The government is trying to control your mind

The government is constantly trying to control the way we think and behave. They do this through a variety of methods, including controlling the media, education, and even our own thoughts and emotions.

One of the most common ways the government controls our minds is through the media. The media is full of propaganda that is designed to influence our opinions and emotions. For example, the news will often show us stories that are intended to make us angry or afraid, in order to keep us compliant and docile.

Education is another tool that the government uses to control our minds. They dictate what we learn in school, and often leave out important information that could help us think for ourselves. For example, many history textbooks leave out key information about controversial topics like the Vietnam War or 9/11. This allows the government to shape our view of the world and control how we think about certain issues.

Finally, the government also controls our thoughts and emotions through various psychological techniques. For example, they may use fear or anxiety as a way to keep us from challenging their authority. Or they may use positive reinforcement to encourage us to comply with their demands.

It’s important to be aware of these mind control techniques so that we can resist them and think for ourselves. Otherwise, we risk becoming nothing more than puppets of the state.

3. The government is spying on you

The government is spying on you. It’s not just a conspiracy theory, it’s a fact. In 2013, Edward Snowden leaked classified information that revealed the US government’s mass surveillance program. The program collectstelephone and internet data from millions of Americans without their knowledge or consent.

This mass surveillance violates our right to privacy and is a direct threat to our democracy. It’s no wonder that so many people believe this bizarre conspiracy theory.

4. The government is spying on the media

The government has been caught spying on the media on multiple occasions. In 2013, it was revealed that the NSA had been collecting the phone records of millions of Americans without a warrant. In 2015, it was revealed that the CIA had been monitoring the emails of German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other world leaders. And in 2016, it was revealed that the FBI had been secretly collecting the communications of journalists.

These revelations have led many people to believe that the government is spying on the media in order to silence dissent and keep tabs on what the press is saying about them. While there is no concrete evidence that this is happening, it’s not hard to see why people would believe it. After all, if the government is willing to spy on its own citizens and foreign leaders, it’s not unreasonable to think they might also be spying on the media.

5. The government lied to get the country involved in wars

It’s no secret that the government has lied to the public in order to get them on board with various wars and military interventions. In some cases, these lies have been exposed and denounced, but in others, the truth remains hidden.

For example, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which was used as a pretext for increased US involvement in Vietnam, was later revealed to be a complete fabrication. The same goes for the Iraqi government’s alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction, which was used to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

There are many other examples of the government lying about its involvement in wars, and it’s likely that we don’t even know the full extent of their deception. So next time you hear your government talking about going to war, take it with a grain of salt – they may not be telling you the whole story.

6. The government knows where the aliens are

There are plenty of bizarre conspiracy theories out there, but some of them are actually true. Take, for example, the theory that the government knows where the aliens are.

The government has long been interested in aliens and UFOs, and it’s not hard to believe that they would know where any extraterrestrial beings are located. In fact, there have been several leaked documents that suggest that the government does indeed know where the aliens are.

One such document is the so-called “Majestic 12” memo, which was allegedly written by President Truman’s chief of staff in 1952. The memo claims that a team of scientists and military officials had been assembled to investigate aliens and their technology.

Another leaked document is the “Project Blue Book” report, which was compiled by the United States Air Force in the 1960s. The report details numerous UFO sightings and includes interviews with people who claimed to have seen aliens.

Whether or not you believe these leaked documents, it’s certainly possible that the government knows more about aliens than they’re letting on. So next time you hear someone claim that the government is hiding information about aliens, you might want to believe them!

7. The government can control the weather

The government can control the weather. It’s a fact. The United States Government’s weather control program is called HAARP, and it stands for High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. This program began in the early 1990s, and it’s purpose is to study the ionosphere. However, many people believe that the government is using HAARP to control the weather.

There is evidence to support this claim. In 2010, the Russian military released a report that claimed that the United States was using HAARP to manipulate the weather in order to win the War in Afghanistan. The report said that by causing droughts and floods, the United States was able to drive the Taliban out of areas they controlled.

While there is no concrete evidence that HAARP is being used to control the weather, it is clear that the government has the ability to do so. If HAARP is indeed being used for weather control, it would be a powerful weapon in the government’s arsenal.

The Moon Landing Was faked

The Moon landing was faked. It’s one of the most popular conspiracy theories of all time, and there are plenty of people who still believe it. Despite the fact that there is overwhelming evidence that the moon landing did happen, including photos, videos, and eyewitness accounts, some people still insist that it was all a hoax.

There are several reasons why people believe this theory. One is that they don’t believe that humans could have made it to the moon. They claim that the technology wasn’t advanced enough at the time, and that it would have been impossible for astronauts to survive in space for such a long period of time. Others believe that the moon landing never happened because they think it would have been too difficult and expensive to fake.

Some of the most convincing evidence that the moon landing was faked comes from supposed inconsistencies in the footage and photos taken during the mission. For example, many people believe that the American flag appearing to wave in the wind is proof that the footage was shot on Earth and not on the moon. However, this theory doesn’t hold up when you consider that flags can wave in low-gravity environments like on Mars or even Venus.

There are also claims that certain shadows in the photos don’t match up, which supposedly proves that they were taken on a soundstage with artificial lighting. But again, this can be explained by different lighting conditions on different parts of the moon’s surface.

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9/11 was an inside job

There is a lot of evidence to support the claim that 9/11 was an inside job. For instance, the official story about what happened doesn’t make sense. The Twin Towers shouldn’t have collapsed the way they did if they were hit by planes; it’s more likely that they were brought down by explosives.

There are also inconsistencies in the government’s story about what happened that day. For example, why did NORAD stand down and not intercept the hijacked planes? And why haven’t we been able to get a clear explanation of what happened at Building 7?

These are just some of the questions that lead many people to believe that 9/11 was an inside job. And when you consider the fact that the Bush administration had motive to lie about what happened (to justify going to war in Iraq), it’s not hard to see why this theory has gained so much traction.

The government is hiding evidence of aliens

There is a lot of evidence that the government is hiding evidence of aliens. There have been many reports of UFO sightings by credible witnesses, including military personnel and pilots. There have also been leaked documents that suggest the government is aware of alien life and has been covering it up. In addition, there have been numerous reports of government officials claiming to have seen aliens or to have knowledge of alien activity.

The government is mind control

The government is mind control. The government is controlling our thoughts and emotions. They are doing this through a number of means, including but not limited to: the media, advertising, education, religion, and the internet. The government is using these methods to control our thoughts and feelings, and to manipulate us into believing what they want us to believe.

They are also using mind control techniques to keep us from thinking critically about the government and its policies. By controlling what we think and feel, the government is able to keep us in line and prevent us from challenging their authority. This is why it’s so important for us to be aware of the ways in which the government is trying to control our minds. Only by understanding how they are doing it can we begin to resist their influence and start thinking for ourselves again.

Big Pharma is hiding natural cures

It’s no secret that the pharmaceutical industry is a powerful force in our society. They have deep pockets and a lot of influence. So it’s no surprise that there are some conspiracy theories out there about them hiding natural cures for various diseases.

The theory goes that the pharmaceutical companies don’t want to cure diseases because they’re making too much money off of treating them. There’s also the belief that they’re suppressing natural cures because they can’t patent them and make money off of them.

Whether or not these theories are true, it’s certainly possible that the pharmaceutical industry is hiding something from us. They have a lot of power and influence, and they’re not always transparent about what they’re doing. So it’s worth being skeptical of anything they tell us.

The Vatican is secretly controlling the world

The Vatican is a powerful and influential institution, and there are those who believe that the Catholic church is using its power to control the world. There are a number of theories about how the Vatican is secretly controlling the world, and while some of them may seem far-fetched, there is evidence to support some of these claims.

One theory suggests that the Vatican is using secret societies to control world events. The Knights of Malta, for example, is a Catholic organization with a long history of secrecy and influence. The Knights have been involved in a number of political controversies, and it is believed that they have used their power to manipulate events in favor of the Vatican.

Another theory suggests that the Vatican has hidden treasures that give it immense power and wealth. The Vatican Bank is one example of this, as it is said to be one of the richest institutions in the world. Some believe that the Vatican also has a secret stash of gold and other precious metals, which gives them even more power.

Whether or not you believe these theories, there is no denying that the Vatican wields a great deal of power and influence in the world. And with so much power comes responsibility – responsibility to use their power for good, and not for evil.

Global warming is a hoax

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that global warming is a hoax. For one, the data used to support the existence of global warming has been tampered with. In fact, some of the most reputable scientists in the world have debunked the theory of global warming.

Another reason why global warming is likely a hoax is because the proponents of this theory stand to gain financially from it. If people believe that the world is going to end because of climate change, they are more likely to invest in green energy and other solutions to combat it. This means that those who promote the theory of global warming stand to make a lot of money if it turns out to be true.

Finally, there is no concrete evidence that greenhouse gases are causing the earth to warm. The sun has been shown to be the primary driver of climate change, not human activity.

So, while there is some evidence to suggest that global warming may be real, there is also a lot of evidence that suggests it is a hoax. Only time will tell for sure, but don’t be fooled into thinking that it is definitely real just because some people say so.


Don’t be so quick to dismiss conspiracy theories — some of them may actually be true! The next time you hear a theory that seems far-fetched, do a little research and see if there’s any evidence to back it up. You may be surprised at what you find.